We have now finished installing safety equipment for both tunnels "Norð um Fjall".
Árnafjarðartunnilin is 1930m long and Hvannasundstunnilin is 2200m long.
We have now installed a total of 39 emergency stations with emergency telephones and fire extinguishers, and 24 ventilators. Together with the Viðareiðistunnel, which we installed back in 2016, the locals now can drive through 6 kilometers of tunnel, from Klaksvík to Viðareiðis, with safety equipment supplied by El-Service. Safeyt control units are outside each portal, from which the incident leader can control the security equipment, by using SCADA system provided by El-Service.
The Project started just before the summer holidays and were completed on time.
We like to wish everyone from Boðroynni the best of luck and a good trip through the new tunnels.